Video Math Lessons
Video Math Lessons
Adding and Subtracting Integers
For Grades 6 and Above
Adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers (i.e., integers) are fundamental math skills that students typically learn in 6th grade. They are a tricky set of skills to master because a) the rules are complex, b) they are often taught in conceptual ways that do not easily translate to automatic skills for students with learning challenges and 3) they are not intuitive for students with calculation, visual processing, and/or executive functioning difficulties.
Integer calculation skills are extremely important as students progress through middle and high school mathematics. Just as elementary students need basic addition and subtraction to pretty much do anything in math, the same is true for addition and subtraction of integers for middle and high school students.
The goals of these lessons are a) to give students a solid understanding of how to add and subtract integers and b) to build students’ comfort and fluency with these skills so that they don’t have to work so hard to do these basic calculations as they are solving math problems.